Wudhu Water Initiative Sebagai Model Pengelolaan Limbah Air Sebagai Inovasi Ekonomi Berbasis Masjid di Kota Bima

  • Abdurrahman Mansyur University of Sultan Zainal Abidin - Malaisya
  • Zulkifli Zulkifli Dosen Prodi PAI STIT Sunan Giri Bima - Indonesia
  • Ambrin Ambrin UIN Raden Mas Said Surakarta
  • Ashabul Yamin Mahasiswa Prodi PAI STIT Sunan Giri Bima - Indonesia
  • Muhammad Syaiful Mahasiswa Prodi PAI STIT Sunan Giri Bima - Indonesia
  • Nabila Lestari Mahasiswa Prodi PGMI STIT Sunan Giri Bima - Indonesia
Keywords: Pengelolaan Limbah Air, Ekonomi Masjid, Wudhu Water Initiative


In Bima city, ablution wastewater from mosques is often discharged directly into drainage systems without treatment, potentially causing negative environmental impacts such as water pooling, which becomes a breeding ground for mosquitoes, foul odors, and groundwater contamination. This study aims to develop a mosque-based wastewater management model that is effective and sustainable by utilizing simple treatment technologies. The model seeks to transform ablution wastewater into valuable resources, such as fish and vegetables, while analyzing its social and economic impacts on the community. The research employs a qualitative approach through observations and in-depth interviews with various stakeholders, including the Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI), the Environmental Agency, the Agriculture Agency, the Health Agency, and mosque management. The findings reveal support from MUI regarding Sharia compliance, technical recommendations from the Agriculture Agency, and the importance of water quality monitoring emphasized by the Health Agency. The results demonstrate that the Wudhu Water Initiative model, which integrates fish farming and hydroponic cultivation, is effective in utilizing ablution wastewater while providing social and economic benefits, such as increased mosque income and enhanced public awareness of water conservation. This model holds significant potential for broader implementation in other mosques with adequate technical knowledge, infrastructure, and collaboration, contributing to environmental preservation and community welfare.


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