• Taufik Taufik MAN 2 Kota Bima
Keywords: Islamic civilization, Philoshopy and science of Greece


This article argues that philoshopy and science of Greece was contributed for Islamic civilization as well as known by “The Golden Age” of Muslim world history in midlle age especially, and then played an significant part in delevopment miracle of modern science in the Europe renaissance at the 15th century generally. This article will identify some of transmission related  the relationship between Greece’s philoshopy and knowledge  with moslems culture is considered as the success acculturation and they received it with tolerance without violence. In adittion, according to the views of scholar or  historian that introduction of Muslim civilization with culture of Greece in the early period  via several ways are : First, The chalipates of Islam work to expansion Islam power map so meet the central of helenism in Arab world; Second, The translation movement ideas by moslem scholars to translate Greece book philoshopy and knowledge. Third, Forum of religion debate between moslem scholars (theologists) and non Muslim theologist. The basic arguments whose used in this forum is philosophy and logica of Aristoteles. The writer of this article describes analyticcaly and critically explores the opinions of moslem scholars and theirs philoshopers about Greece’s philoshopy and knowledge. They  view that it is not  contradict with the Islamic values and Islam orders and stimulates his followers to learn  knowledges and sciences and analyze anything by using the philoshopy thinking. Think  philoshopically and rasionally is orders of Allah and his messenger and it is  not prohibited by Qur’an and Hadith according to QV al- Alaq : 1-5 and QV. al-An’am : 75-79.


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How to Cite
Taufik, Taufik. FiTUA: Jurnal Studi Islam 1, no. 2 (September 28, 2020): 178-201. Accessed February 21, 2025. http://ejournal.stitbima.ac.id/index.php/fitua/article/view/262.