Based on the decision letter of the Directorate of Higher Education Number 1469/E5/DT.05.00/2024 concerning Notification of Scientific Journal Accreditation Status. So FiTUA: Journal of Islamic Studies is still SINTA 5 accredited, starting from volume 1 number 1 June 2020, until the issuance of the latest accreditation.
Focus and Scope
FiTUA: Jurnal Studi Islam aims to promote the scientific publication of Islam in a broad sense, encompassing textual, historical, and empirical aspects, covering both classical/medieval and modern/contemporary periods as subjects of scientific research. This journal publishes original research articles based on literature and/or empirical research in the field of Islamic studies, particularly but not limited to six main topics: (1) the Qur'an and Hadith; (2) Islamic law; (3) Islamic theology; (4) Islamic philosophy; (5) Islamic mysticism; (6) Islamic economics, and (7) Islamic education. It encourages articles that use multidisciplinary approaches to these topics. Scholars concerned with Islam and its manifestations throughout Muslim history and geography can submit their articles to FiTUA and use this open-access journal as a valuable resource in this field.