One of the reasons why this research is very interesting to discuss is because in this modern era, humans have forgotten a lot about the Qur'an which is the main source of life. The Qur'an is a scientific miracle that invites people to examine the verses of the Qur'an which aims to find out the miracles in it. One of the proven miracles in the Qur'an is a scientific discovery, especially that related to the wind. The wind is a real miracle and has been stated in the Qur'an. Wind if discussed in the world of science is air that moves vertically and horizontally. The things that need to be discussed in this study are how the views of the Qur'an about the wind and knowing the shape of the wind in the Qur'an. To answer these problems, a study will be conducted that refers to a qualitative approach with thematic interpretation methods. This research refers to library research. In collecting data, researchers will rely on the interpretation of Muhammad Fakhruddi>n Ar-Ra>zi> as a primary source and secondary sources are carried out by quoting and collecting verses related to the problems discussed such as books, journals that are relevant to the problem and then concluding it. After doing this research, the writer concludes that the wind has two kinds of forms, namely in the plural form of riya>h and the form of mufrod rih. Wind is the most important element for life without exception. Wind is the air you use to breathe. If there was no air, humans and animals would die. This is something that no one but Allah (SWT) can do.
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